Midland Hotel, Bradford
Date & Time
9:30am October 29, 2019
5+ Professionals
450 Seats

About Rail: North October 2019

Dress Code: Business Wear

Bradford Council have developed their growth strategy which sets out the ambitions to transform the economy through a new high-speed rail connection in the city centre that will better connect the UK’s youngest city to the opportunities of the future.  With a key focus on skills and education and unlocking growth at the Southern Gateway to the city, the NPR Growth Strategy sets out the opportunities that are being sought as part of the campaign to bring Northern Powerhouse Rail to the whole of the North and specifically to Bradford.

Plans for Bradford include:

  • A new line linking Leeds and Manchester via Bradford, including the option for a Bradford city centre station
  • Bradford station re-modernisation programme
  • New residential and commercial developments and improved local infrastructure, delivered with a partnership-led approach.

“The great city of Bradford, a jewel in our Northern crown, will feel the transformational economic benefits of Northern Powerhouse Rail with world class capacity and connectivity that the population and local businesses has deserved, but never had.” NPR Rail Director, Tim Wood

Our Host

Luana Salles

Luana Salles

Managing Editor, Peloton

Our Speakers

Tom Meacock

Tom Meacock

Client Director (Atkins Global)
Andrew McPhillips

Andrew McPhillips

Chief Economist (Northern Powerhouse Partnership)
Andrew Sellors

Andrew Sellors

Framework Director (Jacobs)
Andy Davidson

Andy Davidson

Head of Customer Banking (Leeds City Region) Yorkshire Bank
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe

Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe

Leader (Bradford Council)
Graham Botham

Graham Botham

Strategy and Planning Director (North), Network Rail
Julian Jackson

Julian Jackson

Planning, Transportation and Highways (City of Bradford)
Steve Hartley

Steve Hartley

Strategic Director for Place (Bradford Council)
Tim Wood

Tim Wood

Rail Director (Northern Powerhouse)

Event Schedule


08.30 – 09.30 Registration, Tea, Coffee & Networking

09.35 – 09.50 Keynote – Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe - Connecting Bradford to the North and UK
09.50 – 10.20 Business Leaders Debate – The importance of High Speed Rail for the region
 •  Andrew McPhillips, chief economist, The Northern Powerhouse Partnership
 •  Tim Wood – Rail Director, Northern Powerhouse
 •  Andy Davidson – Head of Corporate Banking, Yorkshire Bank
10.20 – 10.40 Keynote – Steve Hartley - City Centre Regeneration update
10.40 – 11.00 Keynote - Graham Botham, Strategy & Planning Director (Network Rail)
11.00 – 11.30 Refreshments, Tea, Coffee, Networking
11.30 – 11.45 Julian Jackson – The case for a City Centre NPR station/ introduction to Southern Gateway
11.45 – 12.15 Panel Discussion – Development Potential of the Southern Gateway
 •  Tim Wood , Northern Powerhouse Rail Director
 •  Andy Sellors, Divisional Director, Jacobs
 •  Julian Jackson – City of Bradford MDC
 •  Tom Bridges, Arup
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch & Refreshments
13.35 – 14.25 Leaders Debate and Q&A, sponsored by Atkins, part of the SNC Lavalin group, ‘Addressing the skills gap’ confirmed
 •  Tim Wood, TfN
 •  Graham Botham - Strategy & Planning Director
 •  Tom Meacock - SNC Lavalin Atkins
14.25 Close

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