Ruth Bagley

Ruth Bagley, Consultant

Ruth Bagley

Director - Ardynt Consulting Ltd

Ruth Bagley chairs the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Working Group to secure delivery of Western Rail Link to Heathrow (WRLtH), a project which she instigated over 15 years ago and which will deliver significant economic and environmental benefit to UKplc including Wales. She holds NED roles in housing, higher education and mental health and is focused on securing economic, environmental and social gain. She also represents TVCC on the British Chambers of Commerce Infrastructure Policy Group.


WRLtH was close to pre-planning approval in 2020. It was put on a controlled pause by Government following the impact of Covid on the aviation industry and government finances. Ruth will explain the work of TVCC to secure the relaunch of work on the scheme, why it is important, how you can get involved and the current action in progress.

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