Nick Ellins
Nick Ellins is the Chief Executive of Energy and Utility Skills and the National Skills Academy for Power.
Nick took over leadership of the Group in October 2015, following roles as Director of Policy at the Rail Delivery Group rail strategy body and as Director of Policy for the Association of Train Operating Companies.
Prior to this, Nick had over 25 years’ experience in the utility industry, working in a variety of management roles across commercial, operational and UK and European policy areas. He was Deputy Chief Executive of the statutory consumer body, the Consumer Council for Water, Head of Consumer Strategy and a policy adviser at Water UK, National Sales and Marketing Manager for a global supply-chain company and its contracting organisation and Frameworks Manager, leading bids for utility supply contracts.
Nick is a Member and twice Past-President for the Institute of Water, a Freeman of the City of London and a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers.