Energy plays a vital role in Scotland’s economy, not only keeping hospitals, schools and businesses running, but is also a prerequisite for a productive and competitive country.
The draft Energy Strategy for Scotland, published in January 2017, sets out the vision for the future energy system in Scotland, describing their priorities delivering a low carbon energy system. The strategy sets out ambitious targets, including:
- 50% of Scotland’s energy to be met by renewable sources
- Getting the renewable energy market right, with costs continuing to fall
- Building on the success of our existing energy industries and exploring the role of new forms of energy
- The opportunities to develop new energy sources and technologies in Scotland
Peloton Events is bringing together the sector’s stakeholders to take a look at Scotland’s energy strategy, as decarbonisation, storage and sustainability reshape the landscape. How will networks adapt to the flexibility that will be required to meet future demands? How will Scotland ensure low-carbon, sustainable supply for the long-term? And how will the sector meet the significant skills gap, with up to 20% of the workforce due to retire within the next 6 years.
This networking dinner and panel debate will offer the chance to obtain unique information to assist you with your day-to-day challenges, whilst allowing an opportunity to network face-to-face with key executives, discuss and debate strategies and build a network of new business relationships.